產 品:Magnetized Material Label
尺 吋:110mm x 90mm 直角
印 刷:1色印刷 (藍)
電 郵:info31717752@gmail.com
*) 產品: Magnetized Material Label
*) 貴司/機構的全名:
*) 尺吋: 110mm x 90mm 直角
*) 數量:
*) 其他備註:
*) 送貨地址:
- Magnetized Material Label - There are no restrictions or requirements when transporting magnetized material by ground or sea, but when magnets are transported by air they are regulated as dangerous goods. This is because the plane’s basic magnetic compass is still an important part of aircraft navigation and strong magnets, stored as cargo, may compromise the accuracy of the plane’s electronic equipment and compass readings. Magnetized Material Labels play an important role in the identification of such cargo.